Well, today is the day. It never ceases to amaze me how pathetic I am when it comes to keeping records, maintaining files, and differentiating between the important stuff and the not-so-important stuff.
Do I need to keep the receipt of the $2.00 pack of pens that I bought at Staples? Probably not. But it gets tucked in my wallet with the $120 receipt for the printer, and the $4.00 receipt for my Diet Dews, and my $20.00 receipt for gas, and my $15.00 receipt for dog food, and well, I'm sure you get the picture. And where do you think those packs of receipts end up that are stored indefinitely in my wallet? I periodically put them in a safe place to be sorted out later (I think I put them in zip lock bags sometimes). I have no idea where they are, though. Probably the same place where all the cheap pens end up that I am constantly purchasing because one by one the whole lot of them end up going bye-bye. Does it matter that I 'lose' pens? Maybe not. Does it matter that the I 'lose' receipts? For the most part, no. HOWEVER, there are a few of those receipts that are actually important! Just like this morning when I was looking for my printout of last year's tax return. I can find piles of printouts of all sorts of things that really don't matter, but do you think I could find the printout of last year's tax return? It wasn't in the file folder labeled "income taxes", but it could be in some other safe place. (Maybe with the zip lock bags of receipts and the cheap pens?)
As I sighed over some of my weaknesses and seeming 'inabilities' this morning (and I didn't cover the part of trying to get a stubborn wireless mouse to work right, inadvertently selecting the wrong option with that weird pad on my laptop, and well, you really don't want to know the rest of that story) I thought how some of us wrestle with the same problem in our spiritual lives.
How are you managing your spiritual life? Do you differentiate between the important and the not-so important stuff? What do you consider the important aspects of your spiritual life? What kind of priority do you give them in your daily life? If Jesus came back today and wanted to see how you've been managing your spiritual life, how would things look? How would you look?
Is your spiritual life a series of constantly dropped balls, good intentions constantly put aside or forgotten, and important things left undone?
How are your priorities looking?
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things [having to do with our daily needs] shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. (Mat 6:33-34)
Pray for me, and I'll pray for you.
Yours in Him,
Pastor B.
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