Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Time to Get a Job

This sign is one I would love to have posted throughout our church facility. It takes a lot of work to run a family, as any mother knows, and as any father that has ever run a household knows. Someone needs to mow the lawn, vacuum and clean the carpets, pick up trash outside, clean the windows where little hands have pressed, shake out the mats, arrange the tables and chairs, make sure there are enough visitor packets and prayer request cards, find pens for tables that need them, make sure the bathrooms and kitchen area are clean, make sure garbage isn't overflowing or smelling, make sure there are diapers and wipes in the nursery, make sure there is creamer and sugar for the coffee, make sure the clocks read right and have the batteries they need, make sure the bulletins and inserts are printed up, that needed Sunday School materials are in place, that people are greeted at the door, that bulletins are handed out, that offerings are collected, counted, and deposited, that nursery and children's workers are present, that needed last minute substitutes are found, that guests are introduced, that devices that require batteries have working batteries, and that there are enough cups, bread, and juice for communion on communion Sunday. (Have you ever wondered what happens on a communion Sunday if someone forgot to reorder the necessary cups or bread?)

A church is a large family, and as such relies on the family members to get the work done. If you are part of a church family and don't have a job, you need to get one! Believe it or not, working a job doesn't hurt, and it honors God and helps your church family. Many hands make light work. Some people have jokingly said that when Jesus said that His yoke was easy and His burden was light that He was not referring to when 20% of the people do 100% of the work.

1 Timothy 5:9 says that those that do not provide for their own are worse than unbelievers. The word 'provide' is a word that means to look out for, and includes all aspects of looking out for one's family. We Christians should be the most committed, reliable, selfless, cheerful, sacrificial, workers present. So if you ever run into one of those "Workers Present" signs, ask yourself, are you one of the workers present in your church family as people come in the door on Sunday? Yours in Him,

Pastor B.

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