Monday, July 12, 2010

You Have the Spirit of Promise!

God’s covenant with Abraham and the Spirit of Promise

God made a covenant with Abraham about four thousand years ago. God promised Abraham that he would make a great nation of him, that he would bless him, that Abraham would in turn be a blessing to all families of the earth, and that he would be the father of many nations (Genesis 12:2-3, 17:1-7). What an awesome promise!

The nation of Israel became a reality several hundred years later under the leadership and law of Moses, but they never became a blessing to all nations of the earth, and never became a multitude of nations. In fact, they fell into great sin, rejected God, and as punishment were taken out of the land by pagan nations. What happened to God’s promise to Abraham?

God’s Word tells us that Christ came that the blessing of Abraham might come to all nations, and that we might receive the Holy Spirit of promise. God tells us that His promise to Abraham and his seed was actually a promise to Christ who would be of the line of Abraham, and that if we are in Christ then we are Abraham’s seed and joint heirs with Him of the promise (Galatians 3: 14, 16, 29, Romans 8:16-17).

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