Tuesday, June 16, 2009

CCSC Spiriutal Boot Camp

How would you like to go to spiritual boot camp this summer? I've thought about offering one, maybe a one or two day program.
We are fighting a war of the will and of the mind, and unfortunately many of today's modern Christians are spoiled, too easily distracted, too easily dismayed, and too easily disruptive to the mission.
In the military Boot camp is mostly a mind game. It's designed to take the civilian out of you and replace it with a top-notch military servicemember. Spiritual boot camp should be designed to take the 'world' out of you and replace it with a top-notch soldier-servant in God's army.
In boot camp you learn that the world doesn't revolve around you, and that excercising self-discipline is more important than exercising your right to smoke, drink and entertain yourself as you please. The military does not exist to serve you, you exist to serve the military. You are not your own. Your purpose is to support the mission.
In spiritual boot camp you learn that the world doesn't revolve around you, and that its thinking and lusts need to be eradicated from your mind and will. Excercising self-control is more important than excercising your liberties to smoke, drink and entertain yourself as you please. God doesn't exist to serve you, you exist to serve God. The mission is everything.
You don't have the right to be upset, to be distracted, to be dismayed, or to be disruptive. You are not your own. Your purpose is to support the mission.
You don't like whose in charge? You don't like the policies? You don't like the rules? You don't like your comrades? What's your point?
In boot camp you learn that one of the most important things is to shut up, listen, follow the rules, and do what you're told. Believe it or not, this principle exists in God's kingdom, as well. It's just that God puts it a little nicer.
It's not all about your physiological or psychological problems or needs. It's not even about your perceptions or your feelings. You see, it's not about you.
Under tips for surviving boot camp, military.com offers this piece of advice:

"Bonus Tip. Go to Church. Even if you are an atheist, church is a good time to reflect on yourself, escape the pressure and regroup for the day or week ahead." While church may give you opportunity to reflect on yourself, escape life's hecticness, and regroup, it is simply not enough to effect lasting spirutal change."
Unfortunately, church is not enough to effect radical spiritual change. Ready for some spiritual boot camp?
Yours in Him,
Pastor B.
2 Cor 10:3-5

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