Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The challenges of golfing and the Christian life

The word 'golf' or 'gouf' is a Scottish word first mentioned in 1457 in a Scottish statute on forbidden games. (Don't worry 'fut-bol' was also forbidden.) [Apparently 'gouf' is derived from the middle Dutch word for stick or club.]
Golfing, like living the Christian life, is very frustrating for the novice, and I'm sure that watching a novice at golf is very entertaining for the experienced player. The novice is determined to do things right, but things just don't seem to work out. What I am I doing wrong?
You're not standing far enough from the ball. You're holding your club too tight. You're lifting your head up when you swing. You're turning your body. Wait a minute, you're swaying. Keep your arm straight. Keep your feet still. Bend your knees. And here's the killer piece of advice that's always added to all of the other suggestions- Relax! Are they kidding?
Some of you may already know where I'm going with this, but now on to the Christ follower that is having constant difficulties in his or her life. What are you doing wrong?
You're not praying enough. You're worrying too much. You're not studying your Bible enough. You're not asking the Lord to speak to you when you read the Bible. You're not thanking God in all circumstances. You're not serving Him. You're not witnessing. And oh, did I forget to tell you- Relax! (After all, Christ did say that His yoke is easy and His burden is light.)
Now the novice golfer and novice Christ follower both have a choice to make. Find someone that is not a novice, be willing to let that person speak into your life, and determine that by God's grace you're going to get better and better at it - OR - decide to keep playing and try to hide the fact that you're a novice (doesn't work in golf, but can be gotten away with to some degree in the church)- OR - hoist the white flag, through in the white towel, and quit working at it.
Did someone mention 'work'? The reality of many things in this earthly life is, "No pain, no gain", and that most things worth while do take a lot of work.
A word to the Christ followers out there- You need to face up to your areas of weakness, You need to learn, practice, and stick to the basic fundamentals of God's Word, you need to consistently and persistently work at your areas of weakness, and you need to let others speak into your life. Otherwise, you might just end up another one of those many people out there that read the right magazines, buy the right gear, go to the right places, talk the right talk, but don't even have the basics down. (As the old saying goes, some people have twenty years experience, but some people just have one year experience twenty times.)
You can get the basics down, my friend. But it takes work, and it takes a daily commitment to your Lord and to His Word.
Yours in Him,
Pastor B.

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