Friday, February 12, 2010

It's never too late to set things on a right course

Once there was a king named David. The Word of God says that he was a man after God's own heart. He had a son named Solomon that chased after and obtained most all that the world had to offer. As a result the kingdom was torn in two under the kingship of David's grandson (Solomon's son) Rehoboam. Judah and Jerusalem endured 17 years of Rehoboam's disobedient reign and 3 years of his son, Abijam, who wasn't any better. But along came Asa ("healing" in the Hebrew). He was King David's great great grandson; Solomon's great grandson; and Rehoboam's grandson. He was )

Asa did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, as did his father David. And he banished the perverted persons from the land, and removed all the idols that his fathers had made.
(1Ki 15:11-12)

Finally, a good king! He not only went to great lengths to uproot perversions and idol worshipping from the land, but he was not a respector of persons. He deposed the queen mother who was his grandmother (Rehoboam's wife) because of her idol worshipping.

It's never too late to start a new heritage with your family, and that starts with your own personal relationship with God. Those that are around me alot hear me frequently say that God is a god of new hearts and new starts.

So regardless of your lineage, your parentage, or you personal sacrilege, it is never to late to start anew. His mercies are new every morning, He is slow to anger, and abounding in mercy!

Yours in Him,
Pastor B.

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